
Friday 30 October 2009

Our Return from the Hospital

We got home from the hospital on Sunday and we were greeted with a sick little Cali Belle. Mom said that our poor little had had the runs all day. Despite her illness Cali remained in a high spirits giving lots of love and attention to her “little stister”.

We dealt with the runny poops all day Monday and that night my milk started to come in and needed to feed Lexi every 2 hours. So Ed and I weren’t getting much sleep, maybe an hour at a time every 2 hours. Then at 5am Cali wandered into our room white as a sheet with books to read. Poor little pumpkin thought it was the morning. So I picked her up and cuddled her in our bed, then she got sick all over the sheets. So we had to strip the bed and change the sheets in between our strict feeding schedule.
After Cali was sick she asked for a snack so I prepared some peanut butter toast and then fed Lexi. The next thing I know…

There was peanut butter in her hair, all over her, and the table (yes I took a picture). I had to laugh, what else can you do? We were so tired and our little pumpkin was obviously feel well enough to make a mess so I wasn’t too worried. I gave her some Tylenol and she shortly fell asleep with me in the bed.

The next day I had to go to the doctor for Lexi’s and my check-up. I walked into the waiting room and noticed that I was the only one in there without a mask (hooray for H1N1). So I found a secluded spot in the corner and fell asleep in the waiting room. I was gently awoken by my doctor, who assured me it wouldn’t be much longer. My doctor is honestly the best. We work together in the ER on nights so it’s not the first time he has caught me asleep. The receptionist found it quite entertaining, I am glad that I could give everyone a laugh that day.  Oh the postpartum days.

Cali is still dealing the poops, but remains in good spirits. Everyone has wanted to know how she is dealing with her little sister; well she is doing just great. We have only had one run in with jealousy thus far and it’s been almost a week. We are so proud of her! She wants to help all the time and asks to hold Lexi quite often.

Lexi is doing great as well. Her jaundice is clearing up and she is filling diapers like no one’s business. So all is well here and I will update as often as possible on our little family.

Here is a better video of the girls together. No nose picking this time!


  1. What beautiful girls and an adorable video! Congrats, Meg!

  2. Aww! They are both adorable! I laughed so hard at the end of clip when Cali said 'I'm going to put her right there'. Too cute.

  3. Heeheeheee... so cute together. She seems really pleased with her little sister.
