
Wednesday 28 March 2007

little dancing baby!

The baby was up Tuesday night until 4 am dancing! I am pretty sure that baby thought he/she was at a rave. Well they say that if the baby is moving a lot it's sign that he/she is healthy, so we know that the baby definitely healthy.

I have been trying to post some pictures from our ultrasound on here but it doesn't seem to be taking. I guess you will just have to use your imagination as to what our baby looks like. Honestly though the ultrasound pictures also leave a lot to the imagination. I guess in two months we will really know what baby looks like anyway!

I am getting quite excited as Easter is coming next week which also the anniversary of our engagement. What a great way to celebrate, with chocolate, ham and scalloped potatoes! Looking back the last year has gone by quite fast, but I might add that a lot has happened too. I am looking forward to finding out what the coming years have to offer.

Monday 26 March 2007

Our first entry

As most of you know Ed and I had another website before we were married. That was a lot of fun but as time passed and we got busy with other things and forgot the password. Therefore we haven't been able to update it at all. So we put our heads together and thought that maybe a blog would be a better choice for us.

Not too much has happened since the wedding in July. We are pretty much settled in Strathmore and don't plan on moving again for a very long time. I really like the country atmosphere and working at a small town hospital is a change that I like.

Ed of course is still teaching out in Hussar. He just loves it out there! I don't blame him, the more time that I spend out there the more I love it too! Everyone is so friendly and down to earth.

We are expecting a little bundle of joy in the middle of May. The official date we were given after our ultrasound was May 15th but we are both thinking that the baby will be late. No, we don't whether it is a boy or a girl. To us it didn't make any difference if we knew, so we are looking forward to the surprise on baby's birthday. Honestly I am more interested to know who the baby will look like!

Married life is great, like Ed and I keep saying "if we had known it was going to be this great we would have done it years ago". Ed is certainly a catch and anyone that knows him, knows that I am right.

I am taking my maternity leave in two weeks so I am sure that there will be plenty of postings to come!
wedding pictures