
Thursday 15 October 2009

Our Likeness in Snow

Yesterday we received a beautiful dump of wet sticky snow. Something that is rare and appreciated here in Southern Alberta. Most of our snow here is so dry that it just blows away. You honestly don’t need to shovel it, a broom will work fine. However yesterday Mother Nature gave us this beautiful blessing; snow made for building snowmen.

So Ed took it upon himself to take Cali outside and teach her how to build a snowman. Cali had a blast as you can see in the video that I am posting. Here you can see that they built a snowman for each member of our family. Ed even thought to add the detail of my prego belly. It’s quite cute.  As you can see ( I hope) I tried to make Ed and Cali's eyes look Asian.  Tell me if I did a good job.

Cali and I also attended the local MOPS (mothers of pre-schoolers) group this morning. I was a little nervous that Cali would be sad when I left her to play alone with the other kids, but she was just fine. When I went to pick her up she thanked the supervisors and even blew kisses to them. She had a great time!

MOPS is a great program. If you have one in your area I encourage you to try it out. The kids play and are supervised while you go upstairs and visit with your friends. Today the Moms made candles and scrapbook cards. Next month they are planning a spa day. I hope to attend but I am not sure what life will be like with the new baby here.

Anyway here is the website if you want to learn more about it:


  1. that's just adorable!!! Haha, she would make a good midwife! (I think she says "and push", right?) She looks SO much like you, Meg... :)

  2. That's funny because I was thinking the same thing as I watched the video. I think that I will have to have her in the delivery room with me!
