
Monday 5 October 2009

The Taste of Tang

Last night I had some juice that tasted like Tang. I haven't had Tang in years. Last night the taste of the Tang-like juice brought me back to a simpler time in Tatamagouche. So Tatamagouche tastes like Tang.

I remember drinking Tang at my grandparent's little apartment sitting at the table with my brother, eating frozen chocolate chip cookies; Grammie's speciality.

I remember using tape with the string in it that Grampie would get down from the tall white cupboard in the kitchen. I would make crafts with it and wonder why only Grammie and Grampie's tape had string in it. Do they still make tape with the string in it? I have only seen it in Tatamagouche in the mid-80's.

So Tatamagouche to me is tape with string in it and Tang... and of course the wood chopping whirly-gig in the back.

I miss you Gram and Gramp. Thanks for all the memories, I couldn't have asked for better Grandparents.


  1. Tatamagouche? Somehow that makes me think of japanese electronic pets that crave lots of attention. What a fun name!
    Yes for updating blogs more often! :D I'll try to become better at it too. Kram!!

  2. Ask Aunt Freda! She was the one who got that tape from the carpet factory for Gramp. It's still being made as far as I know.

    Don't forget listening to 45s like Lester the Lobster and Sneaky Snake. I think the Tang was extra good because it was made from water collected by Gramp from some weird overflowing well somewhere in New Annan. Grammie didn't like the water from tap because a moose drowned in the lake.
