
Friday 14 September 2012

Newborn Photos

Connor and I went to visit Sarah last week.  She just sent me a little preview; I can't wait to see the rest!

Cali just walked in the door and informed me that she not only has one loose tooth but two!  I cried... doesn't she know that she is NOT allowed to grow up so fast!

Wednesday 12 September 2012

Cali's First Day of School

I know, I know... I didn't tell many people I was pregnant... I was so nervous just because of the statistics so I only told people on a need to know basis.

Anyway baby Connor decided to come on the most inconvenient day... the first day of school.  I was glad for him to come but sad that I missed Cali's first day of Kindergarten.  Luckily Mom and Dad were here and took over for me.  Here are some pictures of the day.  Cali was so excited to be a big sister again that she didn't even seem sad that I wasn't there for her big day.

Cali eating her breakfast before her big day.
Papa pulling Cali and Lexi to school.
Cali has arrived at school.
Cali sitting at her desk.
Cali already hard at work at school.

Cali absolutely loves kindergarten.  I had registered her in half days since I thought she would miss us at home with all the changes this year.  After two days of school she told me that she wanted to stay for the full day so I know that she is adjusting well!  I am so happy for her, it sounds like she is making new friends and really likes her teachers.


Tuesday 11 September 2012

Another Yu

Connor in his giant carseat.

After two weeks of contractions and two false alarms (all which was incredibly annoying) baby Connor decided to enter the world on Thursday, August 30th 2012.

One week prior I was having contractions five minutes apart for 4 hours and Ed and I left for the hospital when we got halfway there they stopped so we turned around and went home. Four hours later they started again so I figured we should head again to the hospital... then once we got to Calgary they stopped again. Since we made it all that way I figured we should get checked... only 3 centimeters... not good enough. We headed home.

One week later I was having contractions again which started at 1am and were five minutes apart. So we waited until 6am and left for the hospital... then when we were about 15 minutes outside the city they stopped again, arg! Anyway close enough we decided to go in anyway. Once I got to triage they did start again but they were only seven minutes apart... I was sure they were going to send me home again. The triage nurse told me that third babies tend to cause this confusion, that made me feel better. I had never had this confusion before with the girls! The doctor that was on was really nice and even though I was only 4 centimeters she decided to keep me. I started to cry with this news since I was so exhausted from the random contractions from the previous two weeks. Needless to say I had not been sleeping well. She recommended that I walk for an hour and try to get the contractions going again. So I took her advice to extreme and ran the stairs.

I had the contractions really going by the time I got back to the delivery room. Again the doctor checked me and I was only 4 centimeters, no change. When she suggested breaking my water I was completely on board. I was willing to do whatever I could to get this baby out and fast, I was ready! So she broke my water at 11:15am and Connor was out by 11:43am with two pushes. It was quick just the way I wanted it. I have any kind of medication with the girls but I found the transition too fast this time and when Andrea our nurse offered the gas I took it! I was awesome! It's great because you can still feel everything, it's just that you don't care. I am so glad that I took it because the cord was wrapped around his neck so I had to stop pushing in order to give them time to unwrap it. I had the same experience with Lexi but at that time without any drugs I wasn't able to stop. Luckily she was okay but I was happy that this time I had no problem stopping when required.

Since he came so fast he had a lot of bruising on his face and both of his eyes were red... poor little monkey. He was just fine although he has out done both of his sisters. Cali had meconium and Lexi had the cord around her neck and Connor had both. His initial Apgar score was 9 so despite everything he was perfect. Connor weighed 7 lbs 1oz and was 20 inches long. He is such a great feeder that he only lost 6% of birth weight. Although it felt like a long wait until he arrived It feels like he has always been part of our family.
Connor with his big sister Cali.