
Sunday 3 July 2011

Overdoing It

I took the girls to Calaway Park with some friends last week.  I think I may have overdone it.  I ate a snow cone, hot dog, slurpee, a bag of popcorn and a bag of cotton candy.  Then of course we did a few rides.  The roller coaster was even better than I remember.

Anyway I paid for it that night...

Speaking of night time trips to the bathroom Cali has been pull-up free for three nights now!  She told me one night that she didn't want to wear them anymore and so far we have been good.  We are so proud of our big girl!


  1. hi, my name is Thomas. I met your husband when he was an Elder in Mucha, Taiwan and I found here via the Taipei Mission website. Nice to see your happy famlily. Please say hello to him and, for your information, my facebook contact is Thomas jc Chen.

  2. I am glad that you found us! I will let Ed know you wanted to say hi!
