
Tuesday 10 November 2009

The Story Girl

So this is a bit of a change compared to my recent book reviews. I read two great books this month, two books that I would highly recommend. First I read “The Witches” by Roald Dahl, I have been a huge fan of his since Mom read us “The Twits” as kids. I have also read many of his other novels but I think that this was the first time that I read “The Witches”. It was cute and a little disturbing as more of his books are, but a great read for kids and adults alike. I am not going to dive into much of an analysis. I just wanted to mention that I read a book I liked.

Last week Cali and I headed to get her H1N1 shot but the line was outside the building; can you imagine? So I made the executive decision not to wait outside in the cold with a newborn and toddler. Instead we headed to the library, one of Cali and my favourite spots in town. She ran in and picked out a couple of books and as we were getting ready to leave when a book caught my eye; “The Story Girl” by Lucy Maud Montgomery.

I had read the entire “Anne of Green Gables” series and the “Emily of New Moon” books but I hadn’t read any of her other books. I decided to pick it up. Once I got it home I simply couldn’t put it down. It was such a great story I forgot what a descriptive author she was. She painted the most beautiful picture of the orchard in which the children played. It made me long for my childhood summers spend at Nannie and Granddad’s on the Gulf Shore of Nova Scotia. It took me two days to read the book; mind you it would have taken less if I didn’t have all the distractions.

If you were a fan of the Road to Avonlea television series you would love this book. Many of the episode plots come from this book. The characters of Sara Stanley, Felicity, Felix, Cecily, Aunt Janet, Aunt Olivia, Uncle Alec, and even Jasper Dale are found in this book. Oh I almost forgot the local witch, Peg Bowen is introduced as well. Such a great book.

In just about every chapter the Story Girl (Sara Stanley) would tell a tale. Her stories were so descriptive and interesting that I almost forgot that they were part of a bigger story. The characters were all unique and well developed through the novel. It made me discover just how shallow the other books were that I had been reading. In this book you really get to know the characters.

I was little disappointed about the ending though. I thought things would be tied up a bit more but I just found out there is a sequel, “The Golden Road”. I figure that book can answer a few of my questions. I will be reading it shortly, after I finish “The Princess Bride” for book club. I have decided that anything that I read in the next year will be children’s literature so I can complete it in less than a week; much easier on my postpartum mind. So look forward to more children’s book reviews.

For anyone who is interested in book reviews here a great site called Good Reads. I think that I am going to join. Be my friend!  


  1. I'm on Good Reads too, Meg!

  2. Yey! I got Witches so many times at my library when I was little, so the librarian ended up giving me a copy of the book! It was one of my absolute favourites! :D Cool about Story Girl - I loved the series, but never knew which book the characters came from. I totally need to ge my hands on those.

  3. Did you ever meet a witch Theresa? Considering that you grew up so close to Norway...

  4. I still love Anne of Green Gables...thanks for have a beautiful family.
