
Monday, 22 September 2014

The Zoo and Other Things

I have finally found a friend like me who hates being at home!  Every day the kids have off school we find a place to go, last Friday was the zoo.

Connor was not impressed when other kids climbed the stairs on "his" play structure.  As far as he was concerned no one should be playing at the park but him.  I wish you could see his face in the picture a little better, he has the "angry Tucky" face on.  Oh, if looks could kill!

The "Angry Tucky" face in full force. 
The crew all together!  We had nine kids in total that day.  We rock!

Everyone was beat after a long hot day at the zoo and all wanted a ride back to the van.  Here is Michelle pushing 8 kids on her Croozer.  See if you can spot them all!

 Before Nyin-Nyin left on Saturday we went fro dim sum and she bought the kids Chinese outfits.  They all looked so cute dressed up for church on Sunday. Thank you Nyin-Nyin!

Anyway the kids are all in bed and I need to head there too.  Didn't much sleep last night, Bemme was up with tummy pain.  (I had better cut back on the spicy food.)  Good night! 

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