
Friday 26 June 2009

My Book Club

I joined a book club two months ago. It's been a lot of fun. Since I joined we have read "Pride and Prejudice" by Jane Austen and "The Prize Winner of Defience Ohio" by Terry Ryan.

I quite enjoyed both of these books. I read Pride and Prejuside way back in my first year of University... that brought back some memories... I must say I enjoyed it more the second time.

I also picked up "I am Hutterite" by Mary Ann Kirkby. I really enjoyed that book and feel that I gained more an understanding of the culture. Working rural Alberta I have had the oppourtunity to meet several Hutterites.

All three of these books I would reccomend. I will keep an updated list of the books we are reading and have read if you are looking for a good read.


  1. Hahaha, I loaned my copy of P&P to your brother when he was researching how to impress girls who are fans of it. He still hasn't read it. I love P&P. It is my all time favourite book. I love everything Jane Austen wrote, she's so funny.

    This hutterite book sounds interesting. I'll have to see if it's possible to get my hands on it around here...

  2. I read P & J in high school and was so awestruck by it I've never looked back at it or at it at all since. P & J lacks three important things in any story. Short dialog, lots of actual action beyond polite conversation, and a good kill ratio (one body per chapter). Agatha Christie had it right with one of her most famous books "Ten Little Indians". Ten chapters ten deaths and police action in between. Love (tounge planted firmly in the cheek)Dad.

    PS I'm truly glad you got your mother's sense of what's proper litature and not mine.
