
Wednesday 10 June 2009

Our Little Anouncement

You are all right, Ed and I haven't announced our upcoming edition to the family. Since I have been working in the ER I have seen so many miscarriages and complications that I didn't want to make it official until I knew that the the ultrasound was okay.

So good news the ultrasound was fine and we found out that I am blessed enough to have another baby girl to call my own. Now I will have twenty toes to paint, and lots of hair to braid, and shopping... we are going to have so much fun shopping!

I was thoroughly convinced up until Monday that we having boy. I had even purchased some little boy clothes. I figured it was time someone in the family had a boy... but I was wrong! That will be six granddaughters for Ed's Mom... no boys yet.

Our due date is Hallowe'en. How fun is that? I am going to try my best for the baby to come that day; Castor oil here I come!

Seriously though this pregnancy is so different from the first. I wasn't nearly as sick this time and I'm already in maternity clothes... it's embarrassing. I was able to wear my regular uniforms up until last day of work with Cali, but this time I have all ready grown out of them!

We are excited, and Cali is as excited as a two-year-old can be. She often reminds me that there is a baby in my tummy. I don't think she understands the ramifications of the "baby in Mommy's tummy", but come November it will be all too real for her!


  1. And I just thought you were getting fat?

    Did you talk to Mom about my predictions on your baby? Once again, I am 100% correct.

    When CJ gets older she needs to come over here and attend a steam fair with me. I think she'd like it. I have a short list of appropriate names for the new baby as well, which we can go over when I'm there next week.

  2. awwww congratulations...another little girl, you'll have the cutest little sisters ever!!!! Glad to hear all is going well... post lots of pictures and fingers crossed baby comes on Halloween!!!

  3. Congrats on another addition's fun having 2 girls close in age....we didn't get our boy until the 3rd time around. Glad to hear that you aren't as sick this time and hope that Cali loves being a big sister!!!! Any trips to NS ever in your future???

  4. Congrats to you guys...I am so happy for you and Cali. You make beautiful children. Have you decided on any names?

  5. Congrats. That's very exciting. I will put all my positive thoughts towards this little one arriving on her due date. Halloween would be so fun.

  6. Congrats Meg!! Welcome to the world of 2 kids ;) 2 little girls are fun!
