
Thursday 10 May 2007

It's a Girl!

On May 9th I had a huge burst of energy! I cleaned and organized the entire house. When Ed came home from work he couldn’t believe his eyes as I have been pretty much lying on the couch vomiting for the past 9 months. I called Mom to brag about the work that I had accomplished and she said that the baby would be coming soon; but I didn’t believe her.

That night around 10:30pm I started to have contractions. This was my first time in labour so I wasn’t exactly sure what was happening but I had a good idea. It felt like period cramps occurring every three minutes. I told Ed what was going on, his reply was “snore”. I knew that things weren’t too far along so I didn’t bother to really wake him up.

The contractions continued then around midnight I got up the bathroom and realized that I had passed my mucous plug. This was the real thing, my contractions remained three minutes apart so I decided to really wake up Ed and tell him the news. So we decided to go to Mom and Dad’s house since we had chosen High River Hospital as the baby’s birthplace. Ed was very excited and nervous; just like me. I asked him to give me a priesthood blessing. In the blessing I was assured that the baby would be healthy.

We got to Mom and Dad’s house and Mom was so excited that the baby was on the way. She was a little scared that my contractions were so close together that she sent us to the hospital. Sure enough they checked me and sent me home again. When we got back I sat in the bathtub for a very long time, the contractions seemed eased in there.

The pain became worse and caused me to vomit, so I knew then it was time to go back to the hospital, this was around 9:30am. At the hospital I sat in the shower; the pain became so much that I felt I needed something to relieve it. The nurse suggested that she check me before we tried the gas. I was 10cm! Time to start pushing!

Just then I had another contraction and with it my water broke. I heard the nurse say that there was meconium in it and I got a little scared but I remembered the words of the blessing. Three contractions and ten minutes later Cali was born at 11:34am on May 10th 2007, weighing 6lbs 1oz and measuring 19.5 inches. Her first APGAR score was 8 so everything was fine. We had a healthy little girl just as we were told.

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