
Wednesday 16 March 2011

Things are Looking Up

Guess what?!?!?  I have been able to decrease my hours at work for the next year!  Hooray!

Also after two weeks it appears that Lexi may have taken a bite of her  Red River cereal today of her own freewill.

The weather has been above zero for a few days now.

I found the cord to my new camera so I can post new pictures of the girls when I get a chance... maybe even today...

I think that one of the security guards  from work has moved into the house down the road from me... it's hard to tell because he now appears to have a dark mustache... he caught me staring at him yesterday and quickly slipped into his house... perhaps he is now undercover... I am not sure but, if it is him I will be very happy to have him as a neighbour.

The kiddie pool in town is now open.

I finished my ACLS course and passed!  Good for another two years, experiencing an unstable cardiac rhythm?  We are out of the way, but worth the drive! (So we are told anyway.)


  1. Congrats!

    Did I tell you I don't use sugar on my hot cereal at all anymore? Just dried apricots and evaporated milk. Wish I had discovered that years ago. You might want to try that with the kids. I find the sugar makes it sorta acidy or something but the evaporated milk makes it cold and creamy.

  2. Sounds great! Looking forward to new photos!!! Steve, what kind of scot are you? Shouldn't you call it porridge?? :)
