
Thursday 19 February 2009

My First Contribution to the Yu Household Blog

So this is my first contribution to the blog. Life has been very fast since we got married. Cali is well on her way to being two and I wonder where I was during all of this. Not that I've been absent, but little children grow up so fast; I can understand why some people say they miss it. Cali has been our entertainment over the last few years. She makes us laugh and makes us cry and sometimes both simultaneously. It certainly doesn't tickle when she opens our eyes while we are sleeping. :)

Cali does provide good entertainment from showing us new words to singing and taking care of her dolls so very well. She is very innovative, using baby facecloths as bedtime blankets for the two twin dolls in her care. She is quite the caretaker as well, willing to take the kleenex to unexplored regions up the dolls' nasal cavities. So needless to say, we haven't gone out for much entertainment; Cali provides quite a lot.

I'm continuing to teach all different subjects. I'm working on writing assessments that will be good indicators of progress so that will take a bit of time. It is sometimes depressing that the 4 or 5 hours I spend writing a good test, is written in 60 minutes and sometimes with little effort by the students. It makes me very relunctant to allow them to retest.

The basement has probably been a topic of discussion but we will leave that for another day...likewise for the basement...


  1. welcome back to the blogging world... it's great to hear from you guys and see that Cali is keeping you both busy and having fun! My husband and I are both in school right now to be teachers, so we can appreciate your feelings on assessments being over so fast!

  2. children always give the best entertainment I find. They are always just so funny, and they sometimes don't even know it. HAHAHAHAAHAH
