
Saturday 25 August 2012

old posts from way back

I found some of Meg's old posts from her website before we got married. Here are some of her blog entries..

 May 2006 approx 1:06 am 

Here are some random questions...
why do you think that all my favourite love songs are about breaking up? Why do you think that my visa is taking so long? How do I manage to lose so much hair but still have a ton on my head? How have I managed to stay sick since February? How could you possibly manage to forget someone wearing a monkey costume? Is this all some part of a greater plan that I am not aware of?

Here was Ed's(my) comment to the above question:

I have no answers... 
Some random answers to your random questions. I’m am not entirely certain why your favourite love songs are break-up songs…I do have to say though that most of my song-writing time has come after a break-up…Songs like “my dry-erase board” and “the friends song” hmmm…I’m glad a take a bit of a break before I write them though…sometimes it can get quite bitter… About your visa…I’m not sure why it is taking so long….but I don’t mind though…I quite like your virtual company…so if it takes a little longer for you to cross that world and explore the outback, it’s totally fine with me… Now should I mention spelling again…I wouldn’t want you to think that I’m so hard-nosed about it…but sometimes mixing up words can get a gal into trouble…lol….I think you mean “lose” but I could be wrong…You sure do have a lot of hair…but I like it. Monkeys are social animals…playful, fun, and easy to forget…I don’t remember the name of the last monkey I met…but ….one thing at a time… I don’t know too much about plans…I think I’ve heard of one…but I’m not sure if I know every detail... So here are my comments to you…I hope you enjoy… P.S. I tried to be funny…maybe it didn’t work…how embarrassing…

 below is February 2006 blog entry 

Okay, I have never blogged before but here goes... It's not late but I did so much today that it feels like 2 am... So my beloved Hedwig was involved in a little fender bender about two months ago. So I had to take her to the plastic surgeon for a bum lift. In the mean time I had to drive a rental car. It was a cheap little Hyndai, automatic of course and with summer tires. I couldn't figure out how to start it the other day, and while I was driving I kept grabbing the gearshift and stamping the floor with my left foot. Anyway I had to drive this stupid little car into Calary today for my physical for my Australian visa. There was a ton of snow so I was very cautious on the highway. Before I left I had said a prayer for safety and to arrive on time. So as I was driving down the highway there was a snowblower in front of me and everyone slammed on their brakes as I pumped my brakes I lost control and spun a 360 in the middle of the highway and landed facing the right direction in the ditch. I was so blessed! It was pretty early in the morning so there were a lot of cars on the higheway going to work. It was a miracle that I didn't even get a scratch! I continued driving and made it on time for my physcical at which I avoided a violation. All the doctor did was check my reflexes, blood pressure, and my abdomen. I shaved my legs for nothing. Seriously all in all I had a lucky day! The best was that while I was driving back home the body shop called and told me that I could pick up my car in 15 minutes. I could have cried I was so happy to see my little Hedwig VonSanchez again! I love my Jetta! So I dropped the rental car off at Enterprise none were the wiser to my incident this morning! So it looks like I am now that much closer to going to Australia!