
Tuesday 30 March 2010

Lexi Lou

This past week has been a big one for our little Lexi.  Let me list all the news:

-She turned five months old! 
-Her nose looks fantastic, and on Friday I was told that if everything contiues the same as it is now she won't need surgery!
- She discovered her toes.
- She discovered her hands.
- She ate rice cereal and loved it.
- She sat up on her own for about 5 minutes before falling over!
- She discovered her tongue this morning and can't keep it in her mouth.  Even better we found out that she has a Fountain tongue like her great great aunt and Mommy!
- She has learned to love her new jumper!  (Thanks Michelle!)

Here are a few videos of our amazing milestones this week!

Lexi in the jumper.

Lexi's Fountain tongue.

Monday 22 March 2010

My Two Girls

These two girls keep me very busy and I love just about every minute of it.  I was thinking yesterday that just four short years ago I didn't even know Ed.  Things in your life can change very quickly.

The past few weeks I have been feeling a little stressed with Ed being so busy with work, coaching, and with his bishopric calling.  I feel like we rarely get 10 minutes alone together.  It seems like when that happens we look at each other and collaspe.  So I am looking for any advice that anyone has to give about coping without a husband and maintaining my support.  

One thing I started to do was to make waffles on Sundays after church when we are all hungry and cranky.  I make the batter the night before so when I come home we have fresh homemade waffles in about 10 minutes.  I altered a recipe and made them very healthy (only 2 points each!)  This has made my life easier.  Any other suggestions?

What else is new with the Yus?  Here are a few videos from the past couple of weeks.

I finally caught a Lexi laugh on video.  She sure loves her older sister!

...Cali got into the hot chocolate mix...

... and Lexi taking a few steps with assistance.


Sunday 14 March 2010

Meg's Low Fat High Fiber Cookbook

For anyone who is interested, I made an online cookbook of my some of my favourite recipes altered to be healthy.  Feel free to try them out and leave comments. 

Meg's Low Fat High Fiber Cookbook

I have even calculated the amount of WW points per serving.  Hope it gets used.

Tuesday 9 March 2010

Weight Watchers

So last week after talking with a few people I decided to join Weight Watchers.  I have done other extreme diets in the past which always worked but now that I have a family; I have to eat like a normal human.  The Weight Watchers program just seemed normal and sensible to me. 

During the last week I felt like I was eating like a pig to achieve my 35 points (I get an extra ten for Lexi).  It was crazy.  I thought for sure I would be up 5 lbs!  Instead I lost 4 lbs.  Who knew?  This program must work since I had plateaued for about three weeks. 

Anyway I hope to see the runner under my picture continue down the track to a healthy BMI.    

Tuesday 2 March 2010

Cali's First Haricut

Yes, we have been waiting for this for quite sometime seeing that Cali is 2¾ . While I was sitting in church on Sunday I noticed that Cali's hair did look a bit scraggly. Then yesterday I noticed that the other pieces are starting to catch up. I was always afraid to give her hair a trim for fear that people would still think that she is boy. Now that the back was getting longer I took the plunge. It was a lot easier than I imagined. I gave Cali an orange to peel and sat her in her highchair while I worked . Perhaps I could qualify for a hairstylist in a few years.

The new haircut from the front.

And now a view from the back.

Earlier in the day Cali decided to do Lexi's hair.  I couldn't stop laughing when I met this sight in the kitchen.  Cali sure finds ways entertain the entire family.

Yep, I think there is a future in hairstyling for both of us!