Ed's Mom is visiting, so I took her to T and T market. Connor loves to look at all the live seafood that he lovingly refers to as "fish". Due to his interest Nyin-nyin thought it would be a great idea to buy a fish for supper. She asked me to pick one out while she did a bit more shopping.
Won-Ton at the fish market. |
As I watched the fish swim around I felt that I should choose the fish that was a strong swimmer, then I felt bad thinking that he shouldn't be the one to die, he had a good life ahead of him. Maybe I should choose the one with a missing eye hanging out in the corner, because he looked depressed. Then maybe the missing eye and the lack of movement meant he was unwell and wouldn't be healthy for us to eat. So I decided to not choose a fish and leave it up to Nyin-nyin.
When she returned she was clearly unhappy that I had not chosen a fish. She took the initiative and had Connor point at the fish that should die. (I later told him that he made the fish die, I know I am scarring my young children.) The worker climbed up and caught the fish in net, then threw him on the table and whacked him with a hammer on the head. The fish's sad body was then placed on a scale, where it became active once again. The worker seeing the activity then threw the fish at the wall and then he hit the floor. Do you see why I couldn't choose the fish? (On a side note another shopper was quite entertained by my facial expressions during this experience.)
The fish continued to flip and flop during the rest of the trip, each time scaring the pants off me. I am not used to things in the shopping cart dancing besides Lexi.
Lexi and the Moon Cake. |
Nyin-nyin bought moon cakes. I had the girls try them:
girls: What does it taste like?
me: The moon
girls: What is made out of?
me: The moon
Lexi: The moon tastes a-gusting. (Lexinese for disgusting.)
Cali: Do you want my moon cake Mommy?
me: I am not going to taste it! You said it tastes gross! Why don't you give it to your Uncle Darryl?
Cali: Oh Uncle Darryl, we have something special for you!
Lexi: Oh Uncle Darryl!!! Do you want to taste the most delicious cake ever!?!?!?
(Oh, the weather has turned around and the girls are now complaining about the heat.)